Step 1: Bleach The Knot to Make The Wig Knots Invisible
Bleaching your wig knots is the first step in making your unit look natural and preparing it for the melting process. Unbleached knots look like little black dots, indicating that your wig is not growing from your scalp. The knot bleaching step helps make these knots almost invisible for a more natural result. If you try to melt your lace without bleaching the knots, you'll need to do a lot of work later to cover up the knots. It's best to finish ahead of time.
Knot bleaching requires you to mix bleach, apply it to the knots underneath the lace, and then let the bleach lighten the knots. It seems simple enough, but it will completely ruin your wig if you don't do it right. Fortunately, some wigs have bleached knots - these are pre-bleached wigs. If you're not ready for the bleaching process, it's best to go with a pre-bleached wig.
Step 2: Pull Out Your Wig to Get A Seamless Hairline
Place your wig on the head of a foam or canvas mannequin and pull out the tweezers - now it's time to pull out your wig's hairline. Your wig's hairline will look most natural if it follows the contours of your natural hairline.
Step 3: Clean Your Hairline
When melting your lace, starting with a super clean base is necessary. This means your skin needs to be free of oil and dirt. Melting lace on dirty skin can result in poor lace adhesion and changes throughout the day. To clean up your hairline, you have two options:
Option 1: Use a cotton ball dipped in alcohol, then gently wipe your hairline from ear to ear, avoiding your natural hair.
Option 2: Apply soap to the skin around your hairline and massage it in with your fingers. Then wipe the soap off with a damp cloth. Ensure all the soap is gone, and then allow your skin to dry completely.
Step 4: Do The Bald Cap Method
A well-designed wig is flat and takes the shape of your natural head. To do this, you need to create a flat surface for your wig to sit on. The best way to do this is to do the bald cap method. The bald cap method requires you to braid your hair into straight back cornrows and put a nylon wig cap on your head.
Step 5: Color Your Lace
Coloring your lace involves applying paint to any bare lace to make it look like a scalp. Most people use makeup or lace coloring spray to do this. All you need to do is color your lace.
Purchase a lace shade of foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly. Apply the color to the lace wherever your hair is separated. If you are using a coloring spray, follow the instructions on the coloring product. They will likely tell you that hold can be a few inches away from the lace and spray until you achieve full pigment coverage. Allow the color spray to dry for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step. If you are using foundation, use a large powder brush to press the foundation brush into the lace until it looks like your skin tone.
Step 6: Cut The Lace Into Jagged Shapes
There is a right way and a wrong way to cut your lace. You need to do this with very sharp scissors and make a zigzag motion as you cut. The jagged edges make for a better overall lace mix. Anyone can cut their lace, but if you use the wrong technique, you may accidentally cut too much lace or even tear the lace. Read our lace cutting guide for step-by-step instructions on cutting your lace wigs before cutting them at home.
Step 7: Glue The Lace Together
Gluing the lace down is the most nerve-wracking part of the lace melting process. This is because once the glue has been set, adjusting the lace further can take quite a bit of effort. Therefore, absorbing all the information about gluing lace is crucial before you start.
Step 8: Tie Your Hair With A Headband
Even after the previous steps, your hairline may still be slightly up. If you leave your wig like this, it won't look shiny. Luckily, all you need to fix it is a headband and a little gel.
You can apply this hair gel to your hairline and style your baby hair if needed. Then, put the headband on where the lace touches your skin and wear it for at least 10 minutes.
Step 9: Remove Glue Residue
During the lace melting process, things can get messy, and no wig looks good without clay and glue around the hairline. To remove the glue residue, you must apply alcohol or an adhesive remover to the area that needs to be cleaned. Then use your fingers to loosen the residue and remove it with a wide-tooth comb or paper towel. If you'd rather skip the alcohol and adhesive, you can use a toothbrush and some conditioner to remove the excess glue so you can wipe it off.
Step 10: Apply Foundation To Your Hair
To complete the lace melting process, you may need to apply foundation to your hairline. You can skip this part if the lace is the same color as your skin. But if your lace looks too bright or too dark, pull out your foundation and apply it directly to any exposed lace along your hairline. Make sure the foundation you use is the same color as the skin on your forehead. Use a fluffy brush to smooth out the application process.